Thursday, August 30, 2012

On our way...

We got on the plane at 7pm on August 20th. I reached over and got a hand of each of my children. "Here begins our adventure, kiddos." Their faces were mixed with eagerness and wide eyed wonder. They scrabbled to look out the window, poked around the "in seat" televisions, and wondered often when they might be served some refreshments.

They were exhausted beyond belief when we arrived. We slept for over 16 hours the first night here.

But we made it.

And I think I crossed a personal Rubicon. There is no turning back the clock now. This huge decision has been made. We are spending a year here... our experiences await us...

1 comment:

  1. Amy, you are awesome! This is a great blog! Beautiful photos by you and Isaac!

    Thank you for doing this. It puts my heart and mind closer to you and Isaac and Ava.


    Enjoy your Bohemian Rhapsody.

